Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I'm thankful for SO many things. I have an amazing group of people in my life who support me, love me, and take great care of me! You know who you are!

Today I'm feeling better. Deborah took off my bandage yesterday. I was a little nervous about that. I got a little light headed a couple of times, but managed to do just fine. I'll try taking a shower and washing my hair today, since I last washed it on Sunday I think its due!

I'm going to try posting a picture of my turban bandage and I have one with the bandage off.

One piece of bandage is stuck and will hopefully come off in the shower. I'm continuing with pain meds every 4 hours, just trying to stay ahead of it. It's keeping me pretty loopy, so I'm going to start stretching it to every 6 hours today. I've been very fortunate and have had no facial numbness and no taste issues. The right side where they did the surgery is a bit numb and is starting to itch (which is a good thing - means it's healing).

I hope this finds everyone enjoying their family and friends and having a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Hi Holly, Happy Thanksgiving! To relieve the itching, run an ice cube over it, or put an ice compress on it. It'll feel wonderful and numb that spot for a while. In addition, ice is a swelling reducer, so it won't cause any unwanted side effect (bleeding, etc).